Michele Mancini

Welcome to my webpage!
I am Michele Mancini, Deputy Head of the Emerging Markets and World Trade Division at the Bank of Italy.

Michele Mancini economist

My research interests are international trade and global value chains. 

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Contact me: michele.mancini (at) bancaditalia.it


I have coordinated, along with Maria Grazia Attinasi (ECB), the ESCB Report on Geopolitical Trade Fragmentation.
The report is forthcoming, but some background papers are already available.
Check them out!

  • Inputs in Distress: Geoeconomic Fragmentation and Firms’ Sourcing, 2024, Occasional Papers, no. 861, Bank of Italy. with Lebastard, Panon, Borin, Caka, Cariola, Essers, Gentili, Linarello, Padellini, Requena and Timini [link] [ECB Blog] [VoxEU, based on Italian data only] Submitted
  • Trade Fragmentation Unveiled: Five Facts on the Reconfiguration of Global, US, and EU trade, with Conteduca, Giglioli, Giordano, Panon, Occasional Papers, no. 881, Bank of Italy [link] Resubmitted
  • European firms facing geopolitical risk: Evidence from recent Eurosystem surveys, 2024, with Balteanu, Bottone, Fernandez-Cerezo, Ioannou, Kutten, Morris, [VoxEU]


  • Economic Consequences of Trade and Global Value Chain Integration : A Measurement Perspective, with A. Borin and D. Taglioni, 2021, World Bank Policy Research WP, 9785. [VoxEU column] [link] [slides], R&R.
  • Sourcing governance and De-risking Strategies in Europe: a comparative study of Germany, Italy, and Spain, 2024, with Bottone, M., Boffelli, A., Pegoraro, D., Kutten, A., Balteanu, I., & Quintana, J. [WP version], R&R.

DATA and tools

  • Positioning in Global Value Chains: World Map and Indicators.
    A comprehensive database of up-to-date positioning measures in GVC.
    Check it out here. Based on Mancini et al., 2024, World Bank Economic Review.


Michele Mancini economist global value chains international trade

Michele Mancini economist global value chains international trade icio